Whether or not the patient has accepted the terms of use. Patients cannot schedule a virtual visit without accepting terms.
Qualifications used to assign the visit to a provider. You can get avaialble assignment qualifiers via the VirtualService.getAssignmentQualifiers() call.
An enum used to determine who the visit should be scheduled for.
A two-character state code, used to ensure the provider has a license to provide healthcare services to the patient.
A short description describing the reason for scheduling the virtual visit.
The type of virtual visit to schedule. See DefaultVirtualVisitTypes for the default supported values.
An string representing the email address of the user. This should always be a non-empty email address which can be used to contact the app user.
An string representing the valid contact number of the user. This should always be a non-empty 10 digit phone number which can be used to contact the app user.
The identifier of a practice to schedule the visit in. When not provided, a default is used.
If the patient has done a preassessment, which tool was used.
A brand for the visit. When not provided, a default is used.
Optional, language to request if interpreter services are available; ISO 639-3 Individual Language codes
An optional list of tags to be used in analytics when scheduling the visit.
An integer representing the urgency of the visit. 0 is default urgency, and as of Aug. 31, 2021, 1 and anything higher than 0 is marked as "high priority".
Home market, if applicable.
status of the visit being created, look at VisitStatus for available values
should the patient be considered traveling
An enum of RelationshipToPatient representing the patient's relationship to the patient if scheduling for someone else
This is open to be changed in the future.