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data class AllowedVisitType(visitTypeId: String, name: String, shortName: VisitTypeShortName) : Parcelable
Represents a type of visit allowed by a retail RetailDepartment.
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data class OpenDay(day: String, openHours: OpenHours) : Parcelable
Represents the operational hours of a clinic for a particular day of the week.
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data class OpenHours(startTime: LocalTime, endTime: LocalTime) : Parcelable
Represents an open and close time set for an OpenDay.
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data class RetailAppointmentTimeSlot(departmentId: String, scheduleDays: List<ScheduleDay>, startDate: ZonedDateTime, endDate: ZonedDateTime, timezone: ZoneId) : Parcelable
Represents a grouping of time slots for a particular Retail clinic
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data class RetailDepartment(displayName: String, address: Address, phone: String, departmentName: String, smallImageUrl: String, allowedVisitTypes: List<AllowedVisitType>, clinicType: String, brandName: String, isActive: Boolean, departmentID: String, instanceID: String, ehrSystemName: String, latitude: Double, longitude: Double, openDays: List<OpenDay>, timezone: ZoneId) : Parcelable
Represents a retail clinic.
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data class RetailVisitInformation(visitReason: String, patientDeclaration: PatientDeclaration, userEmail: String, contactPhoneNumber: String, actorRelationshipToPatient: RelationshipToPatient?, patientQuestions: List<PatientQuestion>?) : Parcelable
An object containing additional information required to schedule a retail visit.
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data class ScheduleDay(zonedDateTime: ZonedDateTime, timeSlots: List<TimeSlot>) : Parcelable
Represents a single day of available time slots.
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data class TimeSlot(slotId: String, providerNationalId: String, providerId: String, departmentId: String, departmentIdentifier: String, slotType: String, visitTypeId: String, durationInMins: Int, slotDateTime: ZonedDateTime) : Parcelable
Represents an available time for an appointment.
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enum VisitType : Enum<VisitType> , Parcelable
An enum representing visit types as defined in Epic.