Fetches upcoming available time slots for a given provider.
A ProviderTimeSlot containing information about available time slots for the given date range.
The national identifier of the provider to retrieve information about. This identifier should be retrieved from a source external to DexCare, specific to your health system.
A shortName of the visitType for which you are retrieving ProviderTimeSlot
for. See ProviderVisitType
The start date for the range of time slots to return. Note:startDate
must be at least Today. This parameter defaults to Today.
The end date for the range of time slots to return. Note:endDate
must be >= startDate
. This parameter defaults to Today + 7 days ahead. endDate must also be no further in the future than the amount of days returned by getMaxLookaheadDays.
When providerNationalId or visitTypeId are empty string
When startDate is before today, or endDate is before startDate.