public protocol DexcareSDKLogger
An example of a Logger that will log to the console. The DexCareSDK will use this logger calling the log(message, level, sender)
function in this class with information.
class ConsoleLogger: DexcareSDKLogger {
static var shared: ConsoleLogger = ConsoleLogger()
func log(_ message: String, level: DexcareSDKLogLevel, sender: String) {
let emoji: String
switch level {
case .verbose: emoji = "➡️"
case .debug: emoji = "✳️"
case .info: emoji = "✏️"
case .warning: emoji = "⚠️"
case .error: emoji = "❌"
NSLog("\(emoji) \(sender): \(message)")
This would show in the console as:
✳️ DexcareSDK: Response debug in 0.58s for: https://baseurl/v1/departments/epic.acme.one3511101000?byId=true&product=healthconnect-iOS - Status: 200 - Correlation: 16465A2F-69CE-4AF5-9FFA-827673AEF8F1
The Correlation ID can help DexCare debug results.
The logging function
func log( // sourcery: SaveParameters _ message: String, // sourcery: SaveParameters level: DexcareSDKLogLevel, sender: String )