schedule Provider Visit
Schedules a visit with a Provider.
The newly scheduled visit's id.
See also
A PaymentMethod object containing the patient's payment information
A ProviderVisitInformation object containing additional details required to schedule the retail appointment.
A TimeSlot that the user is requesting to schedule the appointment in. TimeSlots are returned by getProviderTimeslotsWithShortName.
The EHR system the appointment will be scheduled in. This can be determined based on the TimeSlot's getEhrSystemName() method.
A DexCarePatient object containing demographics information about the patient.
Optional, a DexCarePatient object containing information about a parent or app user who's booking the visit for someone else. This is only used when ProviderVisitInformation.patientDeclaration is
Returned when one of the following required properties are empty string:
This error is additionally returned when:
ProviderVisitInformation.userEmail does not meet validation requirements (see org.dexcare.util.EmailValidator),
ProviderVisitInformation.contactPhoneNumber does not meet validation requirements (see org.dexcare.util.PhoneValidator),
patientDexCarePatient does not have a demographic link in the EHR system specified by ProviderVisitInformation.ehrSystem,
patientDexCarePatient's address list is empty or the first address contains an invalid zip code (see org.dexcare.util.ZipCodeValidator),
actorDexCarePatient is non-null but has no demographic links,
ProviderVisitInformation.actorRelationshipToPatient is null when booking a "someone else" visit,
actorDexCarePatient is not set when ProviderVisitInformation.patientDeclaration is set to