
interface PatientService


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abstract fun createPatientWithMyChart(myChartUserName: String, myChartPassword: String, ehrSystem: String): DataObserver<DexCarePatient>
This api will create a DexCare patient and links it with the EPIC record associated with the given MyChart account and also link it to the current auth account
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abstract fun findOrCreateDependentPatient(ehrSystem: String, dependentPatientDemographics: PatientDemographics): DataObserver<DexCarePatient>
This api will find or create a DexCare patient record for the patient, without linking it to the current auth account.
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abstract fun findOrCreatePatient(ehrSystem: String, patientDemographics: PatientDemographics): DataObserver<DexCarePatient>
This api will find or create a DexCare Patient and links to the EHR patient in the specified ehrSystem and also links it to the current auth account.
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abstract fun getCatchmentArea(visitState: String, residenceState: String, residenceZipCode: String, brand: String): DataObserver<CatchmentArea>
Determines the EHR system and department that should be used for a given visit state and patient address state/zip code.
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abstract fun getPatient(): DataObserver<DexCarePatient>
This api will retrieve the DexCare Patient object which has all information about the patient like PatientGuid, demographics links, etc.
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abstract fun getSuffixes(): DataObserver<List<String>>
This api will get a list of pre-defined suffixes to be used in a name.